Church Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth 082 502 8844 | 082 414 0472 |
Follow the below prompts to indicate to you if a Basic or High Hydropedology Assessment is Required or Not.
Selected activities requiring General Authorization from onsetAuthorization required; Water Use License Application, Basic Assessment or Full EIA
Wetland/s predominantly fed by regional groundwater aquifer or riverWetland/s predominantly fed by hillslope vadose zone water
Wetland/s predominantly fed by hillslope vadose zone water LinearResidentialIndustrial / InfrastructureMiningAgriculturalForestry
Mining Underground MiningOpen Cast Mining
Underground Mining Significant infrastructure footprint e.g., TSF, officesSmall infrastructure footprint
Open Cast Mining AI > 0.15AI < 0.15
Not in regulated zoneWithin regulated zone
Linear AI > 0.15AI < 0.15
Within regulated zone, listed activitiesDevelopment not in regulated zone
Residential AI > 0.15AI < 0.15
Industrial / Infrastructure AI > 0.15AI < 0.15
Low pollution potentialHigh pollution potential
Listed activities outside rugulated zone; high pollutions potentialWithin regulated zone; listed activities
Agricultural Listed activities or in regulated zoneNot listed; not in regulated zone
Hydropedology assessment not required
Basic Hydropedology assessment required
Low risk/impactHigh risk/impact
Only Basic Hydropedology assessment required
Full Hydropedology assessment required