Digital Soils Africa
DSA are soil specialists, focusing on all soil solutions in the agricultural and environmental fields. Our specialists are SACNASP registered and recognized leaders in their fields of study. The services provided include soil surveys, soil erosion mitigation, fertilization management, soil and land capability studies and wetland delineation amongst others, while our fields of specialization are hydropedology and digital soil mapping. Together our directors have more than 85 years experience.
The application of knowledge of soils and their spatial distribution to optimise the different functions which soils can render, so that agriculture and the natural environment could be served with sustainable, productive soil solutions.
Big Idea
Soil is a finite natural resource, upon which various important natural functions are dependant. As soils are different, the ability to sustain these functions differ. Thus, a good understanding of how the soil functions will improve the sustainable management of the natural environment, whilst ensuring optimal production.