
Chungag, A., van Tol, J.J. & Magagula, B.K. 2018. Effect of unguided cattle husbandry on selected soil physical properties in common property regimes in Alice, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Range Management and Agroforestry, 38, 176 – 180.

Chichongue, O, Pelser, A., van Tol, J.J., du Preez, C. & Ceronio, G., 2019. Factors influencing the adoption of conservation agriculture practices among smallholder farmers in Mozambique. International Journal of Agriculture Extension, 7, 277 – 291. DOI:10.33687/ijae.007.03.3049.

Jacobs, A.J., van Tol, J.J. & du Preez, C.C., 2018. Farmers perceptions of precision agriculture and the role of agricultural extension: a case study of crop farming in the Schweizer-Reneke region, South Africa. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension.

Magomani, M.I. & van Tol, J.J., 2018. Impact of fire frequency on selected soil physical properties in a semi-arid savannah Thornveld. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B – Plant Soil Science. DOI: 10.1080/09064710.2018.1495253.


Van Tol, J.J., 2020. Hydropedology in South Africa: advances, applications and research opportunities. South African Journal of Plant and Soil.

vanTol,J.J.,Lorentz,S., 2018.The Application of Hydropedological Surveys to Quantify Near-Surface Impacts of Mining Waste. IMWA2018 0056 Van Tol 471

Mamera, M. & van Tol, J.J., 2018. Application of hydropedological information to conceptualise pollution migration from dry sanitation systems in the Ntabelanga area, South Africa. Air, Soil and Water Research. https:DOI: 10.1177/1178622118795485.

Van Tol, J.J. & Le Roux, P.A.L., 2019. Hydropedological grouping of South African soil forms. South African Journal of Plant and Soil.

Van Tol, J.J. & Lorentz, S.A., 2018 Hydropedological interpretation of soil distribution patterns to characterise groundwater/surface-water interactions. Vadose Zone Journal.

Van Tol, J.J., Lorentz, S.A., van Zijl, G.M. & Le Roux, P.A.L., 2018. The contribution of hydropedological assessments to the availability and sustainable water, for all (SDG#6). In Lal, R., Horn, R. & Kosaki, T. (eds). Soil and Sustainable Development Goals. Catena-Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.

van Tol,J.J. le Roux.P.A.,& Lorentz.S.A,.2017. The science of hydropedology – linking soil morphology with hydrological processes.The Water Wheel May/June 2017.

Bouwer, D., Le Roux, P.A.L., van Tol, J.J. & van Huyssteen C.W., 2015. Using ancient and recent soil properties to design a conceptual hydrological response model. Geoderma. 241, 1 – 11.

Le Roux, P.A.L., Hensley, M., Lorentz, S.A., van Tol, J.J., van Zijl, G.M., Kunene, B.T., Bouwer, D., Freese C.S., Tinnefeld, M & Jacobs, C.C., 2015. Hydrology of South African Soils and Hillslopes (HOSASH). WRC project No. K5/2021. Water Research Commission.

Omar, M.Y., Le Roux, P.A.L. & van Tol, J.J., 2014. Interactions between stream channel incision, soil water levels and soil morphology in a wetland in the Hogsback area, South Africa. S. Afr. J Plant & Soil, 31, 187 – 194.

Van Tol, J.J., Le Roux, P.A.L., Lorentz, S.A., Hensley, M., 2013. Hydropedological classification of South African hillslopes. Vadoze Zone Journal. doi:10.2136/vzj2013.01.0007.

Van Tol, J.J., Hensley, M. & Le Roux, P.A.L., 2013. Pedological criteria for estimating the importance of subsurface lateral flow in E-horizons of South African soils. Water SA, 31, 47 – 56.

Van Tol, J.J., Hensley, M. & Le Roux, P.A.L., 2012. Pedotransfer function to determine the water conducting macroporosity in South African soils. Water Science and Technology. 65, 550 – 557.

Van Tol, J.J., Le Roux, P.A.L., Hensley, M. & Lorentz, S.A., 2010. Soil as indicator of hillslope hydrological behaviour in the Weatherley Catchment, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Water SA. 36, 513 – 520.

Van Tol, J.J., Le Roux, P.A.L. & Hensley, M., 2010. Soil properties as indicators of hillslope hydrology in the Bedford catchments. S. Afr. J. Plant & Soil 27, 242 – 251.

Hydrological Modelling

van Tol,J.J,& van Zij.G.M., 2020.Regional soil information for hydrological modelling in South Africa. The Water Wheel March/April 2020

Van Zijl, G.M., Van Tol., J.J., Riddell, E.S., 2016. Digital soil mapping for hydrological modelling. In: Zhang, G-L., Brus, D., Liu, F., Song, X-D., Lagacherie, P. (eds.). Digital soil mapping across paradigms, scales and boundaries. Springer, Singapore. DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0415-5.

Prucha, B., Graham, D., Watson M., Avenant, M., Esterhuyse, S., Joubert, A., Kemp, M., King, J., le Roux, P., Redelinghuys, N., Rossouw, L., Rowntree, K., Seaman, M.T., Sokolic, F., van Rensburg, L., van der Waal, B., van Tol, J. & Vos, T., 2016. MIKE-SHE Integrated Groundwater and Surface Water model used to simulate scenario hydrology for input to DRIFT-ARID. The Mokolo River Case Study. WaterSA , 42, 384 – 398.

Van Tol, J.J., van Zijl, G.M., Riddell, E.S. & Fundisi, D., 2015. Application of hydropedological insights in hydrological modelling of the Stevenson Hamilton Research Supersite, Kruger National Park, South Africa. WaterSA 41, 525 – 533

Digital Soil Mapping

Du Plessis, C., van Zijl, G.M., van Tol, J.J. & Manyevere, A., 2020. Machine learning digital soil mapping to inform gully erosion mitigation measures in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Geoderma

Van Zijl, G.M., van Tol, J.J., Bouwer, D., Lorentz, S.A. & Le Roux, P.A.L. 2020. Combining Historical Remote Sensing, Digital Soil Mapping and Hydrological Modelling to Produce Solutions for Infrastructure Damage in Cosmo City, South Africa. Remote Sensing, 12, 433. doi:10.3390/rs12030433.

Van Zijl 2019 Geoderma
Van Zijl,G.,2019. Digital soil mapping approaches to address real world problems in southern Africa. Geoderma 337 1301–1308

Flynn, T., van Zijl, G.M., van Tol, J.J., Botha, C., Rozanov, A., Warr B. & Clarke, C., 2019. Comparing algorithms to disaggregate complex soil polygons in contrasting environments. Geoderma, 352, 171 – 180.

George van Zijl, 2018. Digital soil mapping approaches to address real world problems in southern Africa. Geoderma. In press

Van Zijl, G.M., Bouwer, D., van Tol, J.J. & Le Roux, P.A.L., 2014. Efficient digital soil mapping: a case study from Namarroi, Mozambique. Geoderma. 219, 155 – 161.

Van Zijl, G.M., Le Roux, P.A.L., 2014. Creating a hydrological soil map for the Stevenson Hamilton Supersite, Kruger National Park. Water SA 40 (2), 331-336.

Van Zijl, G.M., Le Roux, P.A.L. Turner, D.P., 2013. Disaggregation of land types Ea34 and Ca11 by terrain analysis, expert knowledge and GIS methods. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 30(3), 123-129.

Van Zijl, G.M., Smith, H.J.C., Le Roux, P.A.L., 2012. Rapid soil mapping under restrictive conditions in Tete, Mozambique. In: Minasny, B., McBratney, A.B., Malone, B. Digital soil assessments and beyond. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

Soil Erosion

Parwarda, C., van Tol, J.J., Tibugari, H. & Mandumbu, R., 2020. Characterisation of soil physical properties and resistance to erosion in different areas of soil associations. African Crop Science Journal, 28, 93 – 109.

Parwada, C. & van Tol, J.J., 2016. Soil properties influencing erodibility of soils in the Ntabelanga area, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B – Plant Soil Science. DOI:10.1080/09064710.2016.1220614.

Parwada, C. & van Tol, J.J., 2016. The nature of soil erosion and possible conservation strategies in the Ntabelanga area, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B – Plant Soil Science. DOI: 10.1080/09064710.2016.1188979.

Van Tol, J.J., Akpan, W., Kanuka, G., Ngesi, S. & Lange, D. 2014. Soil erosion and dam dividends: Science facts and rural ‘fiction’ around the Ntabelanga Dam, Eastern Cape, South Africa. South African Geographical Journal.

Van Zijl, G.M., Ellis, F., Rozanov, A., 2014 Understanding the combined effect of soil properties on gully erosion using quantile regression, South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 31:3, 163-172, DOI:10.1080/02571862.2014.944228.

Van Zijl, G.M., Ellis, F., Rozanov, A., 2013. Emphasising the soil factor in geomorphological studies of gully erosion: a case study in Maphutseng, Lesotho. South African Geographical Journal. DOI: 10.1080/03736245.2013.847803


Du Preez, C.C., van Huyssteen, C.W., Kotze, E. & van Tol, J.J., 2020. Ecosystem services in sustainable food systems: operational definitions, concepts and applications, definitions. In Rusinamhodzi, L (ed). The Role of Ecosystem Services in Sustainable Food Systems. Elsevier, United Kingdom.

Mavimbela, S.S.W., Ololade, O.O., van Tol, J.J. & Aghoghovwia, M.P., 2019. Characterizing landfill leachate migration potential of a semi-arid duplex soil. Heliyon,

Seaman, M.T., Watson M., Avenant, M., King, J., Joubert, A., Barker, C., Esterhuyse, S., Graham, D., Kemp, M., le Roux, P., Prucha, B., Redelinghuys, N., Rossouw, L., Rowntree, K., Sokolic, F., van Rensburg, L., van der Waal, B., van Tol, J. & Vos, T., 2016. DRIFT ARID: A method for assessing environmental water requirements (EWR’s) for non-perennial rivers. WaterSA, 42, 356 – 367.

Seaman, M.T., Watson M., Avenant, M., King, J., Joubert, A., Barker, C., Esterhuyse, S., Graham, D., Kemp, M., le Roux, P., Prucha, B., Redelinghuys, N., Rossouw, L., Rowntree, K., Sokolic, F., van Rensburg, L., van der Waal, B., van Tol, J. & Vos, T., 2016. DRIFT-ARID. Application of a method for Environmental Water Requirements (EWRs) in a non-perennial river (Mokolo River) in South Africa. WaterSA, 42, 368 – 383.

General Soil Science

Parwada, C & van Tol, J.J., 2019. Effects of litter quality on macroaggregates reformation and soil stability in different soil horizons. Environment, Development and Sustainability.

Parwada, C & van Tol, J.J., 2018. Litter quality on particulate organic matter fractions dynamics and macroaggregate turnover rate in different soil horizons. European Journal of Soil Science. doi: 10.1111/ejss.12726

Parwada, C. & van Tol, J.J., 2017. Stability of Soil Organic Matter and Soil Loss Dynamics under Short-term Soil Moisture Change Regimes. Agrotechnology 6:159. doi: 10.4172/2168-9881.1000159.

Van Tol, J.J., Dzvene, A. & Le Roux, P.A.L., Schall, R., 2016. Development and evaluation of PedoTransfer Functions to predict Atterberg limits in South African soils using measured and morphological properties. Soil Use and Management, doi10.111/sum.12303.

Van Zijl, G.M., Botha, J.O., 2016. In pursuit of a South African national soil database: potential and pitfalls of combining different soil data sets. South African Journal of Plant and Soil.

Patterson, D.G., Turner, D.P., Wiese L.D., van Zijl, G.M., Dowding, C.E., & van Tol, J.J., 2015. Spatial soil information in South Africa – situational analysis, limitations and challenges. South African Journal of Science.

Van Tol, J.J., Barnard, J.H., Van Rensburg, L.D. & Le Roux, P.A.L., 2013. Soil depth inferred from electromagnetic induction measurements. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8, 519 – 524.