Welcome to the DWS Hydropedology Course presented by DSA

Subscribe to our DWS hydropedology seminar

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Introduction to hydropedology webinar.

After the conclusion of the webinar, you should have a clear understanding of what hydropedology is and the fundamental principles used in hydropedological studies.

The course will consist of two lectures, approximately 50 minutes each, based on the following 10 chapters:

  1. What is hydropedology
  2. Development of new concepts
  3. Soil hydrology
  4. Key paradigm shifts
  5. Soil properties
  6. Hydrology of soil types
  7. Hydrological classification of hillslopes
  8. Applications of the classifications
  9. Case studies
  10. Hydropedological surveys

If you are new to webinars, fear not!

Upon registration you will receive all the detail needed to participate in the webinar, from links to watch the lecture and how to type questions while the webinar is running. It is a great way of learning and easy enough for those who consider themselves technologically challenged!

If you have any questions regarding the webinar, please do not hesitate to ask. We will be able to guide you through the process seamlessly.

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